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Application Users

Get Application User

Get an application user by ID.


GET /app/users/{id}


Returns a 200 response on success


idstringunique application user resource identifier
uristringURI of the application user API resource
identity_providerIdentityProvideridentity provider that the user authenticated with
provider_user_idstringunique user identifier
usernamestringuser username
emailstringuser email
namestringuser common name
created_atstringtimestamp when the user was created in RFC 3339 format
last_activestringtimestamp when the user was last active in RFC 3339 format
last_loginstringtimestamp when the user last signed-in in RFC 3339 format

IdentityProvider fields

namestringname of the identity provider (e.g. Google)
urlstringURL of the identity provider (e.g.

Delete Application User

Delete an application user by ID.


DELETE /app/users/{id}


Returns a 204 response with no body on success

List Application Users

List all application users for this account.


GET /app/users


Returns a 200 response on success


application_usersApplicationUserlist of all application users on this account
uristringURI of the application user list API resource
next_page_uristringURI of the next page, or null if there is no next page

ApplicationUser fields

idstringunique application user resource identifier
uristringURI of the application user API resource
identity_providerIdentityProvideridentity provider that the user authenticated with
provider_user_idstringunique user identifier
usernamestringuser username
emailstringuser email
namestringuser common name
created_atstringtimestamp when the user was created in RFC 3339 format
last_activestringtimestamp when the user was last active in RFC 3339 format
last_loginstringtimestamp when the user last signed-in in RFC 3339 format

IdentityProvider fields

namestringname of the identity provider (e.g. Google)
urlstringURL of the identity provider (e.g.