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Application Sessions

Get Application Session

Get an application session by ID.


GET /app/sessions/{id}


Returns a 200 response on success


idstringunique application session resource identifier
uristringURI of the application session API resource
public_urlstringURL of the hostport served by this endpoint
browser_sessionBrowserSessionbrowser session details of the application session
application_userRefapplication user this session is associated with
created_atstringtimestamp when the user was created in RFC 3339 format
last_activestringtimestamp when the user was last active in RFC 3339 format
expires_atstringtimestamp when session expires in RFC 3339 format
endpointRefephemeral endpoint this session is associated with
edgeRefedge this session is associated with, null if the endpoint is agent-initiated
routeRefroute this session is associated with, null if the endpoint is agent-initiated

BrowserSession fields

user_agentUserAgentHTTP User-Agent data
ip_addressstringIP address
locationLocationIP geolocation data

UserAgent fields

rawstringraw User-Agent request header
browser_namestringbrowser name (e.g. Chrome)
browser_versionstringbrowser version (e.g. 102)
device_typestringtype of device (e.g. Desktop)
os_namestringoperating system name (e.g. MacOS)
os_versionstringoperating system version (e.g. 10.15.7)

Location fields

country_codestringISO country code
latitudefloat64geographical latitude
longitudefloat64geographical longitude
lat_long_radius_kmuint64accuracy radius of the geographical coordinates

Ref fields

idstringa resource identifier
uristringa uri for locating a resource

Delete Application Session

Delete an application session by ID.


DELETE /app/sessions/{id}


Returns a 204 response with no body on success

List Application Sessions

List all application sessions for this account.


GET /app/sessions


Returns a 200 response on success


application_sessionsApplicationSessionlist of all application sessions on this account
uristringURI of the application session list API resource
next_page_uristringURI of the next page, or null if there is no next page

ApplicationSession fields

idstringunique application session resource identifier
uristringURI of the application session API resource
public_urlstringURL of the hostport served by this endpoint
browser_sessionBrowserSessionbrowser session details of the application session
application_userRefapplication user this session is associated with
created_atstringtimestamp when the user was created in RFC 3339 format
last_activestringtimestamp when the user was last active in RFC 3339 format
expires_atstringtimestamp when session expires in RFC 3339 format
endpointRefephemeral endpoint this session is associated with
edgeRefedge this session is associated with, null if the endpoint is agent-initiated
routeRefroute this session is associated with, null if the endpoint is agent-initiated

BrowserSession fields

user_agentUserAgentHTTP User-Agent data
ip_addressstringIP address
locationLocationIP geolocation data

UserAgent fields

rawstringraw User-Agent request header
browser_namestringbrowser name (e.g. Chrome)
browser_versionstringbrowser version (e.g. 102)
device_typestringtype of device (e.g. Desktop)
os_namestringoperating system name (e.g. MacOS)
os_versionstringoperating system version (e.g. 10.15.7)

Location fields

country_codestringISO country code
latitudefloat64geographical latitude
longitudefloat64geographical longitude
lat_long_radius_kmuint64accuracy radius of the geographical coordinates

Ref fields

idstringa resource identifier
uristringa uri for locating a resource